Despite the numerous measures put in to prevent the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, they are still a nuisance. It is common to ignore STDs in their early stages of development which are the most vulnerable stages of these diseases.
You would be advised to see the doctor on the onset of the initial signs of sexually transmitted infections, but then you might not be aware of them.
So the following are the basic signs to look out for to know if you have contracted an STD
- Painful urination
- Pain when having intercourse
- Open sores or bumps on the genital region or the mouth
- Unusual discharge and odor from the genitals
- Feelings of a fever, nausea or fatigue
- Shift in the menstrual cycle
- Swelled up genitals
- Pelvic pain
These early symptoms of STDs are painful and embarrassing and may cause the victims to take shortcut remedies rather than seek appropriate medical help. Some sexually transmitted diseases, however, show no initial symptoms until they fully develop in their victim’s system. Also, despite the fact that most STDs are curable there are those that are not. That is why all in all the only the best remedy is prevention.
The following are some of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and their earliest developing signs, which you can use to take the necessary precautions.
1. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is resultant of a certain bacteria that depends on the human body for its survival. This survival necessity, therefore, means that it is solely transmitted sexually and cannot be transmitted any other way. Gonorrhea has one common symptom for both males and females which are irregular discharges characterized with a foul odor from the own genitals.
Men usually suffer from infections of their urinary tract which entails painful urination. For women, on the other hand, there are no other exterior symptoms to look out for which makes this STD dangerous, since it damages a woman’s reproductive organs as it develops. It is for this reason that people with the realization of STD contractions visit the doctor with your sexual partner.
Many cases of gonorrhea are alongside Chlamydia, hence is important to check up for both. Luckily enough under the proper medication, this disease is curable..tract which entails painful urination. For women, on the other hand, there are no other exterior symptoms to look out for which makes this STD dangerous, since it damages a woman’s reproductive organs as it develops.
It is for this reason that people with the realization of STD contractions visit the doctor with your sexual partner. Many cases of gonorrhea are alongside Chlamydia, hence is important to check up for both. Luckily enough under the proper medication, this disease is curable.
2. HIV
HIV is a common STD that has proven to be quite fatal in the recent past. The acronym stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus which entails a virus that attacks your immune system making your body vulnerable to numerous deadly diseases.
The HIV has claimed millions of lives especially since there is no cure or vaccine for it. Research has, however, blessed humanity with new treatment pills which slow down the spread and effect to the body. The initial symptoms of HIV could be difficult to identify since they are other diseases attacking ones weak immune system.
They begin as the flu that combines with vomiting and diarrhea. HIV is not only transmitted sexually, but it can also be transmitted through blood exchange even though sex is the most common transmitter.blood exchange even though sex is the most common transmitter.blood exchange even though sex is the most common transmitter.blood exchange even though sex is the most common transmitter.
3. Genital Herpes
Genital herpes resultant of the simplex virus which can stay in individuals for even a lifetime without revealing symptoms. These people would then infect their sexual partners through unprotected sex who will resultantly start experiencing the symptoms.
The symptoms of genital herpes entail initial itching and tingling sensation in the genital region which later develops into sore, infected and painful blisters. It is advisable to begin antiviral treatment when the itching and tingling start to prevent the virus from fully developing.
4. Chlamydia
Chlamydia is a very common STD which if left untreated can lead to infertility in women and men. It is also known to accompany itself with other sexually transmitted infections especially gonorrhea. Its symptoms are known to take time of up to even a year to manifest.
When the do, however, the symptoms entail abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding for women. For the men, there is the abnormal discharge from the tip of the penis, and pain when urinating or during sexual intercourse. Chlamydia is fortunately easily curable.
5. Syphilis
Syphilis is one of the most severe STDs if left untreated for a long while. Syphilis is among the oldest sexually transmitted diseases which have given it time to be researched on hence making it easily treatable. Once the syphilis bacteria enters the body, the sickness progresses in stages which get worse as they develop.
The symptoms entail contagious ulcers on the genitals, mouth and anus then it develops into infecting the eyes, ears, and the brain.enters the body, the sickness progresses in stages which get worse as they develop. The symptoms entail contagious ulcers on the genitals, mouth and anus then it develops into infecting the eyes, ears, and the brain.entersanus then it develops into infecting the eyes, ears, and the brain.enters the body, the sickness progresses in stages which get worse as they develop.
The symptoms entail contagious ulcers on the genitals, mouth and anus then it develops into infecting the eyes, ears, and the brain.enters the body, the sickness progresses in stages which get worse as they develop. The symptoms entail contagious ulcers on the genitals, mouth and anus then it develops into infecting the eyes, ears, and the brain.